Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal #9

 Given the authority to establish a holiday, what would you choose to commemorate? Why? What would the celebration look like?

If I were given the authority to commemorate a holiday I would choose to mandate National Music Day. This holiday would incorporate all the different genres of music out there. I think it would be nice for all the different genres of music to be introduced to everybody and to be recognized since music is such a big thing from all cultures and races. If this holiday were to be established there would be free concerts on this day, these concerts would be put on by well known bands, not the unknown nobody bands that play for free at parks, but people who are known and have big hits. The concerts would be put on at well known amphitheaters and parks that usually concerts are held already. If we actually had this holiday I think many more genres of music would be much more appreciated by many more people. I think that if this holiday were mandated it would be celebrated by many people around our nation and many artists would choose to perform for fans. Something that would be cool to involve in this holiday would be to have National Music Day, but to also have some type of charity involved with it where there will bedonations accepted to go to whatever type of organization is involved with. It would be really cool to maybe switch the charity year by year so that there could be money raised for different charities.

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