Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal #14

 Please describe your reactions/ideas to the following quote: "He does not possess wealth, it possesses him." 

I think this quote means that people do not possess money, the money possesses them, in other words, the money gets the best out of them.  I could understand this quote as being compared to people who are arrogant. This quote can very well be applied to our society today, money gets the best out of people. Being wealthy can change someone completely because there are people that think money is the only thing that matters.  Money is something that is very important, more important to some than others.  This quote can also be expressed asone being selfish and inconsiderate because people who are usually arrogant usually are selfish and inconsiderate.  This quote can be directed to those who have money but are selfish with the money they have, such as people having money that do not contribute to things they can be contributing to such as charities or buildings or parks in their community.

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